Saturday, 21 July 2012

Alanwassahlan Marhaban Ya Ramadhan

Welcome fasting month, In Malaysia, fasting begins tomorrow. Commonly farmer in Malaysia will works extra hard to finished what ever urgent works they have a few weeks before fasting month because they wanted to focus only on their fasting and prayer during this month. Same goes to us, here in the little farm, we have done 2 project for the last two weeks. One was repairing fence for the goat, and 2nd was pruning and fertilizing our lime trees.
Since “The Boa” incident last month, we enforced extra precaution on handling our goat. Every evening after feeding the goat, Wak Nan has to head counted them, this will alert us immediately if any goat goes missing. Beside that, we must provide good fence to make sure all of them grazing within our compound. So repairing fence for the goat was quite critical and needs prompt action.

Pak Ngah, alif, kayum and hafiz in action

working in heavy rain, my husband checking the fence

all the boys having fun while doing their job

Thanks to all my nephews, who work hard to finished the project within 3 days

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